Map of Korea
- Geographic position : Between 33˚ and 43˚ north latitude, and 124˚ and 131˚ east longitude (including North Korea)
- Division of the 38th Parallel : The Korean peninsula is divided just slightly north of the 38th parallel. The Democratic Republic of Korea in the south and the communist government of North Korea are separated by a demilitarized zone.
Korea Weather
Korea has four seasons, with a wet monsoon/summer season in the middle of the year, and a cold winter from November to March.
- Average Temperatures and Rainfall
General Info
The National Flag of Korea : The Korean flag (태극기) is called "Taegeukgi" in Korean.
- History of Korea : Korea has had a long history dating back to 2,333 B.C. from the prehistoric age to its current era.
- Korea Population : 50,515,000 (2011)
- Language : Hangeul – Korea’s Official Alphabet
- Religion & Beliefs : Buddhism, Protestantism & Catholicism, Confucianism, Shamanism
Hey, this is great! I love to travel and will make it there some day. :) Keep posting info and nice pictures. Regards.